Elected Student Commission
Who are we?
The elected student representatives (German: Studienvertretung - “StV”) is the lowest level of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) and the direct contact point for students of a particular study or degree program. It is elected every four semesters during the ÖH elections. An important principle for us is that we do not belong to any political party and therefore our opinions are not influenced by political interests. Our “Kammerl”, as we call our office, is located on the 1st floor of the Institute of Musicology, at the end of the corridor, the last door on the right.
We take care of your concerns, problems, and questions and are responsible, among other things, for communication between the institute's lecturers and administration and their students.
The following five students got elected for a mandate at the last ÖH elections and are in office since 1st July, 2023:
Christoph Berlinger
Johanna Haab
Alexander Weninger
Lilian Matejschek
Gabriel Feller
In addition to that, Henning Burghoff is working with the student commission for the ongoing election period.
We are here to assist you with questions about your studies, the curriculum, or any general concerns, and can be reached via email at stv.musikwissenschaft@oeh.univie.ac.at.
Please reach out to us if you feel uncomfortable in classes, have issues with a teacher, or if something seems off! Only through collective knowledge can we gain an overview of all courses and respond effectively!
Since we participate in various meetings (such as the course planning meetings for the upcoming semesters), we can actively advocate for your needs!
You might find the answer(s) to your question(s) already in the Student FAQ. Unfortunately, there’s no english version of the FAQ yet.
We open our office as “Open Kammerl” every week on Thursdays, 1 pm to 2 pm (except during lecture-free periods). Feel free to drop by if you have any concerns (no appointment needed) or simply want to take a short break.
Location: Institute of Musicology
Room 3A-O1-09 (1st Floor; last door on the right)
Spitalgasse 2, Courtyard 9 (Campus)
1090 Vienna
We organize student gatherings every month such as meet-ups at a bar, game evenings, study sessions, and more. You can find the exact dates on Instagram and in our Moodle course (see below).
Additional contact options and information (Facebook, Moodle, etc.)
The Musicology group on Facebook is widely used by many students, where you can find lots of information about courses and any related materials.
For live updates and quick access, we also have an Instagram account: @stv_muwi_wien.
In our Moodle course we not only share important study-related information but also plan community activities (both online and in-person). You can enroll yourself via this link: https://moodle.univie.ac.at/course/view.php?id=197077.
For quick exchange among yourself and other musicology students and as a basis for online learning sessions or events, we now have a Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/9Z98sWdqEP