2) CV English

Christina Ntai studied Musicology in Thessaloniki, Greece. In addition to her academic studies, she has also obtained a conservatory diploma in Piano Performance. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Vienna (Department of Musicology) and works under the supervision of Prof. Michele Calella on a text-critical reconstruction of the genesis of Franz Liszt’s Faust Symphony (German working title of the dissertation project: “Franz Liszts ‘Eine Faust-Symphonie in drei Charakterbildern nach J. W. von Goethe’: Werkgenese – Schaffensprozess – Fassungen”).

In the course of her doctoral studies, Christina Ntai has hitherto received two research scholarships from the University of Vienna as well as the German Institution Klassik Stiftung Weimar, in order to conduct an extensive study of manuscripts and primary musical sources preserved in Weimar (Institutions: Goethe and Schiller Archive, Duchess Anna Amalia Library, Archive of the Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar). She has also conducted further research at the Széchényi National Library in Budapest.

Her research interests focus on Franz Liszt, Music Philology and Genetic Textual Criticism as well as Music History and Music Aesthetics of the 19th Century.