5) Publikationen/Publications


*= peer-review

*„Materielle Textdynamik: Das Autograph der Faust-Symphonie von Franz Liszt (1854)“, in: Federico Celestini und Sarah Lutz (Hg.), Musikalische Schreibszenen / Scenes of Musical Writing, Paderborn: Brill │Fink 2023 (Theorie der musikalischen Schrift 4), S. 115–148.

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March 17-19, 2021

The Urfassung of Franz Liszt’s Faust-Symphony (1854): Materiality aspects of a textually dynamic manuscript, Paper for the digitally held international conference „Acts of Musical Writing – Towards a Theory of Music Notation”, organized by the University of Innsbruck under the Umbrella of the DACH Project „Writing Music”